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Specializing In:

Individual therapy due to relational issues (could cause anxiety, depression, and stress)

Couples Therapy

Lifestyle Coaching

Relational Coaching

Accountability Coaching



Anxiety is an expected, but familiar part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, home, social settings, school, making an important decision, or making self talk.  Anxiety may not feel like temporary worry or fear. For a person struggling with anxiety,  it may feel as though the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The symptoms can interfere with the daily activities of a person's life.




Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Depression can make you feel as though you are going through the motions while trying to stay afloat. I like to call this functional depression.  Most people smile on the outside while sad, guilty, miserable, shame, and even disgust.  Depression can also be shown through anger.  It takes a very vulnerable person to be open about their depression.

Stress Management

Stress is a part of our everyday lives and nearly impossible to escape. The issue with stress is how to cope with it once it rears its ugly head.  Often times, it's not the stress, but the manner in which we respond to the stress.  Sometimes, we don't think that we're stressed.  We're used to going about our day as usual and not taking the time to deal with the problems at hand.  Stress can be managed with the use of coping skills and tools to assist in coping positively with it.

Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy

Often times when  in relationship with our significant other, problems arise and causes a break in the relationships. Couples can face small to big (whatever that means to the couple) issues and not know how to deal with them. Most of the time, there is a break down in communication, wanting our own ways, and not wanting to compromise.  Whether you are just starting on in a relationship, engaged, married, divorce, or maybe even find yourself single, therapy can assist with getting back on track for yourself and your spouse.


Coaching is: short-term, formal & structured, specific & measurable, and performance-driven.  As a coach, I work with clients in a collaborative process the conversation is developed by both coach and client.  I am not here to give advice, but to gather information to help create process of change.  My coaching expertise is in the field of finances (budgeting) and lifestyle changes in relation to yourself and others.  Coaching is very different from therapy and is not to be used as a tool for therapy.



Adolescent Therapy
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